Monday 4 June 2012

Yes I do ~ Oui je le veux

Si vous avez lu mes postes precedents vous savez certainement que le voyage sur Arras etait pour assister a un mariage familial! J'aime beaucoup l'ambiance magique qui emane de la ceremonie de mariage ca me transporte dans un monde parfait d'amour et de convivialite. Les maries ont fait un tres bel effort et nous ont offert de tres bons moments et le detail y etait franchement chapeau!
Alors comment porter du blanc a un mariage quand on est pas la mariee? reponse en image j'espere! Dites pour vous le blanc est reserve uniquement au maries ou les invites peuvent se le permettre?

If you have read my previous posts you probably know that the trip to Arras was to attend a family wedding! I really like the magical feel that comes out of a wedding ceremony it takes me to a perfect world of love and happiness. The couple did well and gave us a magnificent experience paying attention to every little details really congrats!
Well how to wear white when you are not the one saying i do? check out the pictures for an answer hopefully! Oh and let me know if for you white is a no go area and only reserved for the married couple or whether invites can join in?

 Me/Moi: dress/robe: D&G; slingbacks/escarpins: Christian Louboutin; bag/sac: Christian Dior; earing&necklace/boucles&Collier: Topshop

Mr B: suit/costume: William Hunt; shoes/chaussures: Palzileri; shirt,tie&handkerchief/chemise,cravate &pochette: Hawes & Curtis

J'ai portee cette robe de soiree pour la reception et je me suis tellement bien amusee que j'ai oublie de prendre une photo entiere avec cette robe! Si vous voulez voire a quoi elle ressemble entiere laissez des commentaires en dessous et s'il y a suffisemment de demande je vous ferais ce plaisir!
dress/robe: Anoushka G (at House of Fraser)

 I wore this evening gown for the reception but i was enjoying myself so much that i did not take a full length shot so if you would like to see it let me know by commenting below and if there are enough requests i will oblige!

La famille adorable/ The adorable family
Follow Clean-Cut-Goût-Chic


  1. You have such a lady like style, I love it! While I wouldn't feel comfy wearing white to someone else's wedding, you look great especially with the pops of color.

    And I'd love to see a full shot of the dress you wore the reception :)

  2. Hey Channing i was actually weary of wearing white myself and was comforted when almost all the other guests also wore white! turns out the wedding theme was black & white unknown to me...
    I will shoot a full length pic of the gown but bear with me as im in the middle of my exams so when im finished next week i will put it up


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Merci de prendre le temps de commenter, votre participation est une grande source de motivation.